Wednesday 23 December 2009

A Parasite on the Vestige of Red China?

No.51 Shijia Hutong
No.51 Shijia Alley(史家胡同51号) undoubtedly is a public property. Zhang Shizhao, Honghuang's grandfather on maternal side probably in 1920s gave 100 silver dollars to a jobless young man whose name was Mao Zedong. After 1949 Mao return the favor in a big way and grand this spacious traditional courtyard residence in central Beijing to Zhang Shizhao.It was the years of proletariat revolution, hence no certificate of private property was given to her grandfather.

Madam Zhang Hanzhi,her mother, was Mao's English teacher for a short period of time before becoming a red diplomat in Chinese foreign ministry in 1970s. It is widely reported the madam got intimately involved with Chairman Mao, and this intimacy with the great leader greatly advanced her diplomatic career.

Madam Zhang later married to Qiao Guanhua, the foreign minister at the time, to the dismay of the great leader. After their marriage, they moved their home to the courtyard residence at No. 51 Shijia Hutong.

After her step father and mother died, HongHuang stays in No. 51. It seems for quite some time the Foreign Ministry has been demanding the huge property back from Honghuang, who is private entreupreneur and entertainer who has no business with the ministry. She refueses to surrender the property disputing the claimed ownership of the property by the ministry.

It is too obvious whoever the property belongs to, it does not belong to her.She is now demanding the ministry to pay back all the maintenance and refurbishing she has spent on the property over decades. From what is revealled by Honghuang, it looks like the Foreign Ministry is going to compensate her with another property, and Honghuang is asking for a property of no smaller than 120 sq metres.

But how much does she have to pay back to the public at a commercial rate for a huge residence like that in central location in Beijing? How luckier she can get than ordinary Chinese, first living in a huge property funded by public money, and then moving to another large property, agained paid with public money?

In the year of Beijing Olympics I went to visit a friend who stayed in the courtyard, the part of No.51 which has been used by China Women Association as luxury hotel. It is 2 courtyard with dozens of en suit luxury rooms around courtyards. I have not been to the part kept by Honghuang, but judged by the 2nd picture, it is very spacious. Normally only the very high level officials like commander of beijing military zone can get that size residence in that central location in Beijing.

Honghuang(in red) hosts a party at No. 51 court yard


  据悉,史家胡同属东城区朝阳门地区,是东四南大街从北往南数的第七条胡同,自西向东沟通东四南大街和朝阳门南小街,长700多米。明代,即称“史家胡同 ”;据传,因胡同内住有史姓大户而得名。史家胡同51号,旧时的门牌是24号,在胡同西段北侧,坐北朝南,原是一座三进四合院。史家胡同51号原是章士钊解放后在北京的住宅,章士钊入住之时,认为房屋太多,一家人住不了,遂将第三进院分出,在内务部街南侧另辟街门,形成独立院落。于是,史家胡同51号就形成一座二进四合院。章士钊去世后,史家胡同51号归属章士钊之女章含之(洪晃母亲)所有。


the elegant lady herself



  据悉,昨日洪晃到法院是开庭前交换证据,她称自己还有两个月举证,然后再开庭。昨日上午,洪晃一直在微博上直播着庭审的经过。08:54她在微博上写道:到了法院,开始找门,前门不开的,打官司得走后门。这可真所谓门朝哪儿开都不知道。09:00,她写道:找到后门了,人很多,味道像医院。10:19 洪晃又在微博上说,我的朋友陪我来,说这案子关注人太多,不让旁听。10:29洪晃在微博上直播称:好了,询问结束了。还是挺好的,法官很和蔼,很公平。给我们两个月时间举证。主要纠纷是房子三十年来的维护费,至于外交部给我安排的房子,我觉得能把我们家五十年的破烂都装里面就可以,但是 120平方米是一定不够的。



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