Thursday, 16 December 2010

Tariq Ali :The Nobel War Prize

11 December 2010

Last year’s recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize escalated the war in Afghanistan a few weeks after receiving the prize. The award surprised even Obama. This year the Chinese government were foolish to make a martyr of the president of Chinese PEN and neo-con Liu Xiaobo. He should never have been arrested, but the Norwegian politicians who comprise the committee, led by Thorbjørn Jagland, a former Labour prime minister, wanted to teach China a lesson. And so they ignored their hero’s views. Or perhaps they didn’t, given that their own views are not dissimilar. The committee thought about giving Bush and Blair a joint peace prize for invading Iraq but a public outcry forced a retreat.
For the record, Liu Xiaobo has stated publicly that in his view:
(a) China’s tragedy is that it wasn’t colonised for at least 300 years by a Western power or Japan. This would apparently have civilised it for ever;
(b) The Korean and Vietnam wars fought by the US were wars against totalitarianism and enhanced Washington’s ‘moral credibility’;
(c) Bush was right to go to war in Iraq and Senator Kerry’s criticisms were ‘slander-mongering’;
(d) Afghanistan? No surprises here: Full support for Nato’s war.
He has a right to these opinions, but should they get a peace prize?
The Norwegian jurist Fredrik Heffermehl argues that the committee is in breach of the will and testament left behind by the inventor of dynamite whose bequests fund the prizes: ‘The Nobel committee has not received prize money for free use, but was entrusted with money to give to the pivotal element in creating peace, breaking the vicious circle of arms races and military power games. From this point of view the 2010 Nobel is again an illegitimate prize awarded by an illegitimate committee.’

more comments

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Mi...

Michael Moore on WikiLeaks: 'Leaks Don't Kill People, Secrets Do'

what an asshole, this ben brown

BBC Anchor Attacks Abused Disabled Protestor As “Revolutionary Cyber-Radical”

Your New Reality
Dec 14, 2010

You don’t need to know too much background to get the full horror of what this BBCNews host is doing to a young man with cerebral palsy, who is unable to operate his wheelchair independently, simply because he dared to turn up at a recent student protest in London:

The blood-chillingly unemphatic journalist actually asks a severely disabled man if he was hurling chunks of concrete at police, and asks him again even after Jody says he can’t operate his wheelchair without the help of his brother.

Note the way interference or the host manage to cut off Jody every time he starts making valid, vital points about the police brutality inflicted on him and hundreds of other students in the streets of London, some students beaten by police, and charged with horses, were as young as 12 years old.

Note also the way the BBCNews host tries to get Jody to admit on air to things that may prejudice his official complaint later on.

Scary stuff.

Jody is becoming a hero of the what’s called the UKUncut student movement, who are opposing massive cuts to education and public services to protect the wealth of England’s richest, and for good reason. He has a lot of powerful things to say.

But after that interview, and the powerful reaction from the thousands who found it through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and began complaining to the BBC, you probably won’t be seeing Jody back on BBCNews anytime soon.

They don’t like ‘student leaders’ or ‘revolutionaries’ to be quite so articulate, and in control of what they’re saying.

England under austerity is a powderkeg, and when the public sees police are prepared to assault even people in wheelchairs, well, everything changes.



January 31, 2004 16:01:49:



梁的“伦理本位”,说亲情关系为基础的社会秩序,就是费说的“礼治社会”;梁说“安分知足,摄生,寡欲”是中国物质文明不发达的原因,到费那里,就成了匮乏经济。梁说过“凭借农业翻身”,“从农业引发工业”的主张,到费那里就成了“乡土工业”。 梁涑溟比较中西文化说,中国人的意欲的方向是“向里用力”,一切“反求诸己”,因此不向自然界和社会争取,故科学和民主不发达;而西人的意欲是“外向用力”。这种中西对比的理论完全反映在费的中西文化观中,也被后来人反复抄袭。

上面是题外话,再看丰年这类文章,每段开头都是“有很多迹象表明”,“还有迹象表明”,“ 可以遇见”,“ 千年以来”和“ 必须指出”这类,后面接着就是自己的一些臆断。这么连续写下去(自己说是还要出系列文章),无疑对作者想象力是个挑战。该文中把历史上农耕民族同游牧民族的贸易战争,想象成单方面的掠夺战争。把蒙古独立虚构成精英阴谋,把平民因素排除在外。试问没有平民,如何能叫做民族主义呢。汉族可以有民族主义,蒙古人就不能有吗?




* * * * * * * * * * * *



两个特点:一是多学科的参与,演讲者分别来自社会学、人类学、民族学、汉学、经济 史、农业经济学和管理学等学科;二是各种形式的比较法的演练,如:

* 中文与英文的写作、
* 中国的“谋略”的概念与西方相关的概念
* 费孝通与毛泽东对中国社会的不同影 响
* 费孝通的“差序格局”概念与其更新版“礼尚往来”概念
* 中日农村家产的区别
* 费孝通与霍华德对移民流动和城市化研究的异同
* 城乡社区研究之比较
* 以及 江村的在不同时期收入和社会分层的纵向的比较


* 它呼唤了国际学术界从田野、方法到理论等方面重新审 视费孝通对人类知识的学术贡献;
* 它聚集了中国与其他国家和地区的学者,通过对费孝通的学术思想的研究来加深对中国社会的理解;
* 这次活动是把中 国社会科学研究的精神产品推介到人类的社会科学殿堂中来的一项积极的尝试。





Monday, 13 December 2010




英国学生抗议让我想起6-4 (48 reads) 时间: 2010-12-14 周二, 下午4:34
作者:铁木 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自





Monday, 15 November 2010

Why Vietnam loves and hates China

Why Vietnam loves and hates China
By Andrew Forbes

For more than 2,000 years, Vietnam's development as a nation has been marked by one fixed and immutable factor - the proximity of China. The relationship between the two countries is in many ways a family affair, with all the closeness of shared values and bitterness of close rivalries.

No country in Southeast Asia is culturally closer to China than Vietnam, and no other country in the region has spent so long

fending off Chinese domination, often at a terrible cost in lives, economic development and political compromise.

China has been Vietnam's blessing and Vietnam's curse. It remains an intrusive cultural godfather, the giant to the north that is "always there". Almost a thousand years of Chinese occupation, between the Han conquest of Nam Viet in the 2nd century BC and the reassertion of Vietnamese independence as Dai Viet in AD 967, marked the Vietnamese so deeply that they became, in effect, an outpost of Chinese civilization in Southeast Asia.

While the other countries of Indochina are Theravada Buddhist, sharing cultural links with South Asia, Vietnam derived its predominant religion - a mix of Mahayana Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism popularly known as tam giao or "Three Religions"- from China. Until the introduction of romanized quoc ngu script in the 17th century, Vietnamese scholars wrote in Chinese characters or in chu nho, a Vietnamese derivative of Chinese characters.

Over the centuries, Vietnam developed as a smaller version of the Middle Kingdom, a centralized, hierarchical state ruled by an all-powerful emperor living in a Forbidden City based on its namesake in Beijing and administered by a highly educated Confucian bureaucracy.

Both countries are deeply conscious of the cultural ties that bind them together, and each is still deeply suspicious of the other. During the long centuries of Chinese occupation, the Vietnamese enthusiastically embraced many aspects of Chinese civilization, while at the same time fighting with an extraordinary vigor to maintain their cultural identity and regain their national independence.

During the Tang Dynasty (6th-9th centuries AD), Vietnamese guerrillas fighting the Chinese sang a martial song that emphasized their separate identity in the clearest of terms:

Fight to keep our hair long,
Fight to keep our teeth black,
Fight to show that the heroic southern country can never be defeated.

For their part, the Chinese recognized the Vietnamese as a kindred people, to be offered the benefits of higher Chinese civilization and, ultimately, the rare privilege of being absorbed into the Chinese polity.

On the other hand, as near family, they were to be punished especially severely if they rejected Chinese standards or rebelled against Chinese control. This was made very clear in a remarkable message sent by the Song Emperor Taizong to King Le Hoan in AD 979, just over a decade after Vietnam first reasserted its independence.

Like a stern headmaster, Taizong appealed to Le Hoan to see reason and return to the Chinese fold: "Although your seas have pearls, we will throw them into the rivers, and though your mountains produce gold, we will throw it into the dust. We do not covet your valuables. You fly and leap like savages, we have horse-drawn carriages. You drink through your noses, we have rice and wine. Let us change your customs. You cut your hair, we wear hats; when you talk, you sound like birds. We have examinations and books. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws ... Do you not want to escape from the savagery of the outer islands and gaze upon the house of civilization? Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass and wear flowered robes embroidered with mountains and dragons? Have you understood?"

In fact Le Hoan understood Taizong very well and, like his modern successors, knew exactly what he wanted from China - access to its culture and civilization without coming under its political control or jeopardizing Vietnamese freedom in any way. This attitude infuriated Taizong, as it would generations of Chinese to come.

In 1407, the Ming Empire managed to reassert Chinese control over its stubbornly independent southern neighbor, and Emperor Yongle - no doubt, to his mind, in the best interests of the Vietnamese - imposed a policy of enforced Sinicization. Predictably enough, Vietnam rejected this "kindness" and fought back, expelling the Chinese yet again in 1428.

Yongle was apoplectic when he learned of their rebellion. Vietnam was not just another tributary state, he insisted, but a former province that had once enjoyed the benefits of Chinese civilizationand yet had wantonly rejected this privilege. In view of this close association - Yongle used the term mi mi or "intimately related" - Vietnam's rebellion was particularly heinous and deserved the fiercest of punishments.

China on top
Sometimes a strongly sexual imagery creeps into this "intimate relationship", with Vietnam, the weaker partner, a victim of

Chinese violation. In AD 248, the Vietnamese heroine Lady Triu, who led a popular uprising against the Chinese occupation, proclaimed: "I want to ride the great winds, strike the sharks on the high seas, drive out the invaders, reconquer the nation, burst the bonds of slavery and never bow to become anyone's concubine."

Her defiant choice of words was more than just symbolic. Vietnam has long been a source of women for the Chinese sex trade. In Tang times, the Chinese poet Yuan Chen wrote appreciatively of "slave girls of Viet, sleek, of buttery flesh", while today the booming market for Vietnamese women in Taiwan infuriates and humiliates many Vietnamese men.

It's instructive, then, that in his 1987 novel Fired Gold Vietnamese author Nguyen Huy Thiep writes, "The most significant characteristics of this country are its smallness and weakness. She is like a virgin girl raped by Chinese civilization. The girl concurrently enjoys, despises and is humiliated by the rape."

This Chinese belief that Vietnam is not just another nation, but rather a member of the family - almost Chinese, aware of the blessings of Chinese civilization, but somehow stubbornly refusing, century after century, to become Chinese - has persisted down to the present day.

During the Second Indochina War, Chinese propaganda stressed that Vietnam and China were "as close as the lips and the teeth". After the US defeat, however, Vietnam once again showed its independence, allying itself with the Soviet Union, in 1978-79, invading neighboring Cambodia and overthrowing China's main ally in Southeast Asia, the Khmer Rouge.

Once again Chinese fury knew no bounds, and Beijing determined to teach the "ungrateful" Vietnamese a lesson. Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader, openly denounced the Vietnamese as "the hooligans of the East". According to one Thai diplomat: "The moment the topic of Vietnam came up, you could see something change in Deng Xiaoping.

"His hatred was just visceral. He spat forcefully into his spittoon and called the Vietnamese 'dogs'." Acting on Deng's orders, the Chinese army invaded Vietnam in 1979, capturing five northern provincial capitals before systematically demolishing them and withdrawing to China after administering a symbolic "lesson".

But who taught a lesson to whom? Beijing sought to force Hanoi to withdraw its frontline forces from Cambodia, but the Vietnamese didn't engage these forces in the struggle, choosing instead to confront the Chinese with irregulars and provincial militia. Casualties were about equal, and China lost considerable face, as well as international respect, as a result of its invasion.

Over the millennia, actions like this have taught the Vietnamese a recurring lesson about China. It's there, it's big, and it won't go away, so appease it without yielding whenever possible, and fight it with every resource available whenever necessary.

Just as Chinese rulers have seen the Vietnamese as ingrates and hooligans, so the Vietnamese have seen the Chinese as arrogant and aggressive, a power to be emulated at all times, mollified in times of peace, and fiercely resisted in times of war.

In 1946, 1,700 years after Lady Triu's declaration, another great Vietnamese patriot, Ho Chi Minh, warned his Viet Minh colleagues in forceful terms against using Chinese Nationalist troops in the north as a buffer against the return of the French: "You fools! Don't you realize what it means if the Chinese remain? Don't you remember your history?

"The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than to eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life."

Yet Ho was an ardent admirer of Chinese civilization, fluent in Mandarin, a skilled calligrapher who wrote Chinese poetry, a close friend and colleague of Chinese leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. Ho wasn't as much anti-Chinese as he was pro-Vietnamese. It was his deep understanding of and respect for China that enabled him to recognize, clearly and definitively, the menace that "a close family relationship" with the giant to the north posed, and continues to pose, for Vietnam's independence and freedom.

It's ironic, then, that as the current Vietnamese leadership strive to develop their economy along increasingly capitalist lines while at the same time retaining their monopoly on state power, the country they most admire and seek to emulate is, as always, the one they most fear.

Andrew Forbes is editor of CPA Media as well as a correspondent in its Thailand bureau. He has recently completed National Geographic Traveler: Shanghai , and the above is an excerpt from his forthcoming book A Phoenix Reborn: Travels in New Vietnam.

(Copyright 2007 Andrew Forbes.)

Chinese Invasion of Vietnam

Chinese Invasion of Vietnam
February 1979

China's relations with Vietnam began to deteriorate seriously in the mid-1970s. After Vietnam joined the Soviet-dominated Council for Mutual Economic Cooperation (Comecon) and signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Soviet Union in 1978, China branded Vietnam the "Cuba of the East" and called the treaty a military alliance. Incidents along the Sino-Vietnamese border increased in frequency and violence. In December 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia, quickly ousted the pro-Beijing Pol Pot regime, and overran the country.

China's twenty-nine-day incursion into Vietnam in February 1979 was a response to what China considered to be a collection of provocative actions and policies on Hanoi's part. These included Vietnamese intimacy with the Soviet Union, mistreatment of ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam, hegemonistic "imperial dreams" in Southeast Asia, and spurning of Beijing's attempt to repatriate Chinese residents of Vietnam to China.

In February 1979 China attacked along virtually the entire Sino-Vietnamese border in a brief, limited campaign that involved ground forces only. The Chinese attack came at dawn on the morning of 17 February 1979, and employed infantry, armor, and artillery. Air power was not employed then or at any time during the war. Within a day, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) had advanced some eight kilometers into Vietnam along a broad front. It then slowed and nearly stalled because of heavy Vietnamese resistance and difficulties within the Chinese supply system. On February 21, the advance resumed against Cao Bang in the far north and against the all-important regional hub of Lang Son. Chinese troops entered Cao Bang on February 27, but the city was not secured completely until March 2. Lang Son fell two days later. On March 5, the Chinese, saying Vietnam had been sufficiently chastised, announced that the campaign was over. Beijing declared its "lesson" finished and the PLA withdrawal was completed on March 16.

Hanoi's post-incursion depiction of the border war was that Beijing had sustained a military setback if not an outright defeat. Most observers doubted that China would risk another war with Vietnam in the near future. Gerald Segal, in his 1985 book Defending China, concluded that China's 1979 war against Vietnam was a complete failure: "China failed to force a Vietnamese withdrawal from [Cambodia], failed to end border clashes, failed to cast doubt on the strength of the Soviet power, failed to dispel the image of China as a paper tiger, and failed to draw the United States into an anti-Soviet coalition." Nevertheless, Bruce Elleman argued that "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact. ... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."

After the war both China and Vietnam reorganized their border defenses. In 1986 China deployed twenty-five to twenty-eight divisions and Vietnam thirty-two divisions along their common border.

The 1979 attack confirmed Hanoi's perception of China as a threat. The PAVN high command henceforth had to assume, for planning purposes, that the Chinese might come again and might not halt in the foothills but might drive on to Hanoi. The border war strengthened Soviet-Vietnamese relations. The Soviet military role in Vietnam increased during the 1980s as the Soviets provided arms to Vietnam; moreover, Soviet ships enjoyed access to the harbors at Danang and Cam Ranh Bay, and Soviet reconnaissance aircraft operated out of Vietnamese airfields. The Vietnamese responded to the Chinese campaign by turning the districts along the China border into "iron fortresses" manned by well-equipped and well-trained paramilitary troops. In all, an estimated 600,000 troops were assigned to counter Chinese operations and to stand ready for another Chinese invasion. The precise dimensions of the frontier operations were difficult to determine, but its monetary cost to Vietnam was considerable.

By 1987 China had stationed nine armies (approximately 400,000 troops) in the Sino-Vietnamese border region, including one along the coast. It had also increased its landing craft fleet and was periodically staging amphibious landing exercises off Hainan Island, across from Vietnam, thereby demonstrating that a future attack might come from the sea.

Low-level conflict continued along the Sino-Vietnamese border as each side conducted artillery shelling and probed to gain high spots in the mountainous border terrain. Border incidents increased in intensity during the rainy season, when Beijing attempted to ease Vietnamese pressure against Cambodian resistance fighters.

Since the early 1980s, China pursued what some observers described as a semi-secret campaign against Vietnam that was more than a series of border incidents and less than a limited small-scale war. The Vietnamese called it a "multifaceted war of sabotage." Hanoi officials have described the assaults as comprising steady harassment by artillery fire, intrusions on land by infantry patrols, naval intrusions, and mine planting both at sea and in the riverways. Chinese clandestine activity (the "sabotage" aspect) for the most part was directed against the ethnic minorities of the border region. According to the Hanoi press, teams of Chinese agents systematically sabotaged mountain agricultural production centers as well as lowland port, transportation, and communication facilities. Psychological warfare operations were an integral part of the campaign, as was what the Vietnamese called "economic warfare"--encouragement of Vietnamese villagers along the border to engage in smuggling, currency speculation, and hoarding of goods in short supply.









Friday, 12 November 2010

Question : What is globalization?

Question : What is globalization?
Answer : Princess Diana's death

Question : How come?

Answer :

An English princess with an
Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a
French tunnel, driving a
German car with a
Dutch engine, driven by a
Belgian who was high on
Scottish whiskey, followed closely by
Italian Paparazzi, on
Japanese motorcycles, treated by an
American doctor, using
Brazilian medicines!
And this is sent to you by a
Canadian, using
Bill Gates' technology which he got from the

And you are probably reading this on
one of the IBM clones that use
Philippine-made chips, and
Korean made monitors, assembled by Bangladeshi
workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries
driven by Indians, hijacked by Indonesians and finally
sold to you by a Chinese!

That's Globalization!!!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010






马悲鸣: 刘晓波领取诺贝尔和平奖之我见



1964年赫鲁晓夫下台,“蘑菇云升起红戈壁”。1967年索尔壬尼琴给苏联第四次作家代表大会的代表们散发要求停止书报检查制度的「公开信」;之后他的作品难以在国内发表。1969年他被开除出苏联作家协会。同年四月,他和川端康成一起被选为美国艺术文艺学会的名誉会员。1970年10月“因他在追求俄罗斯文学不可缺少的传统时所具有的道德力量”获诺贝尔文学奖。当年索尔仁尼琴没有去领奖。1974年2月13日他被强行押上飞机,驱逐出境到西德,并被开除国籍。他也顺便前往斯德哥尔摩领取了四年前给他的诺贝尔奖金和奖状。美国政府也于同年授予他“美国荣誉公民”称号 。




有人说“索尔仁尼琴是上一代作家中最后一位代表良知的作家”。西方人则视其为与苏联当权者斗争的英雄和伟大文学家。但索尔仁尼琴同时抨击所有的民主派、资本家、个人消费者和自由主义者。美国国务卿基辛格曾在索尔仁尼琴流亡的上世纪七十年代警告时任总统福特不要接见索尔仁尼琴,并于备忘录上写道:“ 索尔仁尼琴是个著名作家,但他的政治主张是一件令追随他的异见者都觉得尴尬难堪的事。接见他不仅会得罪苏联,还会因其政治主张在美国及各盟国中引起论战。 ”

















2010年11月7日 满山秋色


Monday, 8 November 2010

zt: How could Ai Weiwei POSSIBLY have been the "C0-DESIGNER" of the Birds Nest stadium?

The invitation to bid process began in 2001, bids were submitted, models were made, exhibitions of the models held, votes were cast and the winning birds nest design by Herzog and De Meuron working with leading Chinese architect Li Xinggang of China Architecture Design and Research Group (CADG) was confirmed by end of March / beginning of April 2003 ......... as is confirmed here:

Beijing National Stadium

and on this contemporaneous New York blog where the design was being discussed on 31 March 2003.......

Beijing Olympic Stadium (the "Bird's Nest") - by Herzog & de Meuron

Note the title of the thread: Beijing Olympic Stadium (the "BIRDS NEST") - by Herzog & de Meuron


According to various sources - including Wikipedia - Ai Weiwei's role as "Artistic Consultant" began with a meeting in Basel in APRIL 2003 - so I ask again, despite the endless retrospective credits to and claims by Ai Weiwei as either 'designer' or 'co-designer' of the stadium - HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Has anyone actually spoken to Herzog & De Meuron or Li Xingang about that?

* * * * * * * *
Some of us are only interested in trying to get at the TRUTH about Ai Weiwei and his motivations. There are plenty of genuine dissidents in China worthy of your praise and sympathy - speak to human rights organisations, they'll give you a list.

However, I strongly suspect that Ai Weiwei is NOT one of them. I think there are good reasons to suspect that he cynically exploits the Western Media's appetite for anti-Chinese government stories for his own purposes. I think there are good reasons to suspect that he also callously exploits other peoples misery (within China) to further his own fame and artistic career.

Many genuine critics of the Chinese government are doing so because they have good reason to believe in their cause - i.e. schoolteachers in Sichuan complaining about the alleged school buildings scandal. Some of them end up falling foul of the authorities but Ai Weiwei has made himself a very rich man.

I believe that there are many claims made by Ai Weiwei which deserve closer inspection, for example:

- His claim (or at least lack of denial) that he was the designer or co-designer of the birds nest stadium, thus boosting his 'art' career in the first place.

- His claim that his brain Haemorrhage in 'Germany in September 2009 was directly linked to what he later described as a "severe beating" by chinese police in Sichuan one month earlier on the 12th August (there is even an article in the Guardian dated 12th August based on an Associated Press report quoting Ai Weiwei as saying that there "was a scuffle" in which he received a "punch on the chin" (the Guardian article is here - read the quotation from Ai further down the page) - how did this "punch on the chin" escalate to the "severe beating" including "heavy blows to the head"?
This link between the punch on the chin and the brain haemorrhage a month later is now reported without question in the media.

- What was Ai Weiwei doing in Sichuan / Chengdu anyway? He said he wanted to show support at the trial of Tan Zuoren but he had had nothing to do with the Earthquake or its victims in spring 2008 or Zuoren. He LATER said he was trying to embarass the Chinese government by publishing the names of child victims on his website but that didn't happen until March / April 2009 and the Chinese government published the names anyway in April 2009? So why would they have been embarassed?

The more you look into Ai Weiwei's activities, the less credible his claims really seem - such a shame for those genuine voices of concern he is blotting out by his continual media shouting.

by PantsOnFire2

shakinwilly, 8 November 2010 7:31AM

Ai Wei Wei - For someone lacking democratic rights you get an awful lot of air time. And your government seems content with that.

Thursday, 4 November 2010




















Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Under the Influence: Overseas Chinese-Language Media


A media analyst sheds light on the concessions made by Western media companies in exchange for entry into the Chinese market.

Translated by Dušanka Miščević

[Chinese / 中文]

Just as the world has favored the China market because of the country’s rapid economic growth, the foreign news media have also attached great importance to China’s media market on account of its large population and enormous potential. Yet for the past 30 years the opening and growth of the Chinese economy has not enabled economic development to bring about political democratization. As the Tsinghua University scholar Qin Hui (秦晖) puts it, China’s economic opening and market reform are a process of two-way influence: China is not just being influenced by the West, but also exerting influence upon Western institutions. Namely, the so-called China factor—China’s low human rights advantage—forms a challenge to the social welfare and rights of workers in Western countries; and China’s economic development affects global capitalism. In the same way, China’s news and public opinion marketplace, which is controlled and monopolized by the state, is also influencing Western media companies attempting to enter the China market. Many Western media outlets are paying the price of sacrificing some of their principles in order to gain entry.

The Internet companies Yahoo! and Google both made compromises with the Chinese government in terms of Internet censorship in order to enter China’s market. The international media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who attempted to break into the China market, recently ceded the controlling stake in Star Greater China1—a tactical adjustment after his great effort to enter China was thwarted. Murdoch’s News Corporation had acquired a majority stake in the Hong Kong-based Star TV satellite network in 1993, and had removed BBC World Service Television (now BBC World News) from the network in 1994, pandering to the Chinese government. This move had led to extensive criticism, but such accommodation of the Chinese authorities’ muzzling of the press apparently did not yield the business opportunities for which he had hoped.


China’s control of the news and state monopoly of the media market render ineffective the business development tactics of the chiefly market-oriented Western media companies that cater to the demands of their target audiences. But the control and monopoly apparently did not stop Western media, such as the BBC, from attempting to penetrate China’s market through commercial channels. For example, various overseas Chinese-language media, such as BBC Chinese and Deutsche Welle’s Chinese service, cannot help falling under the influence of yet another factor in their reporting on China, namely, the ever-growing Chinese pan-nationalism or pan-patriotism.

This transnational pan-nationalism chiefly expresses itself in the increased identification with and even loyalty to the Chinese state on the part of overseas Chinese, in the broad context of China’s ever-increasing economic power, particularly since the Western financial crisis, which has strengthened their confidence in China’s inexorable growth and power. The upsurge of nationalism on the Internet triggered by the support for—as well as the opposition to—the Tibetan protests before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games demonstrated that Chinese nationalism directed against the West often goes hand-in-hand with conspiracy theories that the West is anti-China and that the Western media demonize China.

This kind of pan-nationalism can interfere with the judgment of news professionals in their reporting on China and even prevent news organizations from performing their proper functions, which are to promote freedom of information, report the truth, and scrupulously abide by the journalistic principles of independence, fairness, and honesty. The 2008 controversy surrounding opinions expressed by Zhang Danhong (张丹红) of Deutsche Welle’s Chinese-Language Radio Department is a prominent example.

On the eve of the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, Zhang, the deputy director of the Chinese- Language Radio Department at Deutsche Welle, said in an interview with a German TV station that China has lifted 400 million people out of poverty and that this shows that “the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made a bigger contribution to the implementation of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights than any other political force in the world.” Regarding the question of Chinese authorities’ blocking of the websites of Free Tibet and Falun Gong, she said, “You cannot open child pornography or extreme right-wing political party websites in Germany either.”2

Zhang Danhong’s opinions provoked intense criticism among Chinese dissidents and in German political circles. Under the pressure of public opinion, Deutsche Welle suspended Zhang Danhong’s duties in its Chinese-Language Radio Department. An intense debate ensued among the reporters of the Deutsche Welle Chinese-Language Radio Department itself as to whether Deutsche Welle’s Chinese-language reporting on China had displayed Chinese nationalist tendencies and lost its objectivity and neutrality.

Business Logic

In addition to the political leanings factor, the Western Chinese-language media’s reporting on China also suffers from the pressure of commercialization. For a long time, Western news organizations have been under pressure to become commercial, which has put a constant squeeze on genuine news reporting. After the financial crisis developed, this trend has become even more pronounced. Not even the BBC World Service could escape it.

In 2011, the funding for the BBC World Service will be decreased by one-fourth. The broadcast had already cut service in ten languages in 2005, saving £12 million [$18.6 million]. This year, it had to cut an additional £7.7 million [$12 million] in spending due to a funding shortage and a substantial depreciation of the pound.3

Financial pressures and business performance of news organizations are causing news reporting to be treated as a product aimed at the Chinese market. When the number of clicks and audience ratings become the primary standard for measuring a director’s performance, and even if the department in which that broadcaster works can survive layoffs, the fight to have the Chinese authorities lift Internet blocking and stop jamming shortwave broadcasts has direct bearing on the survival and the chance of promotion of any broadcaster who targets Chinese audiences. The BBC World Service management has set a hard target for the BBC’s Chinese-language website and those in other foreign languages to double the number of Internet users within a year and quadruple that of mobile phone customers.

The Self-Censorship Trend

Faced with the internal pressure of click-counting and the external pressure of China’s site-blocking, combined with insufficient human resources, the BBC Chinese- language website department transferred valuable resources to an apolitical webpage that the Chinese authorities could tolerate in order to increase the volume of clicks. With it, BBC went looking for cooperative partners in China, providing Chinese websites with culture and entertainment trivia, thus increasing the number of clicks on the BBC’s Chinese-language website. According to a staff member, in order to avoid angering Chinese authorities, BBC resorted to deleting sensitive contents from its interviews. Wang Weiluo (王维洛), a water conservation expert who lives in Germany, expressed resentment when the part of his 2006 interview in which he criticized Chinese authorities was abridged.

In addition, the BBC’s Chinese-language website has eliminated “The China Forum” (中国丛谈)—the program of in-depth analysis of China’s current affairs that had long been well-received by listeners and readers but viewed with hostility by Chinese authorities. This kind of self-censorship weakens the reporting on and analysis of sensitive political topics, and, to a certain degree, avoids sensitive subjects, such as political dissent and the Falun Gong.

In order to break into the Chinese market and have Chinese authorities lift Internet blocking, the BBC’s senior managers and editors have become product salespersons, repeatedly heading to China on public relations and sales-promotion junkets. At the same time, China’s propaganda and media officials, including embassy diplomats overseas, are treated as legitimate representatives of Chinese consumers and have become the guests of honor at news organizations, exerting influence on the overseas media reporting on China. At a time when Chinese authorities are suppressing freedom of the press and blocking the Internet, BBC executives repeatedly take part in various foreign propaganda activities organized by the Chinese government, such as the 2009 World Media Summit (世界媒体峰会) in Beijing among other media publicity events. In so doing, they become ornaments in China’s external propaganda and public relations efforts.

Officials in charge of the relevant departments of the Chinese government and diplomats at China’s missions abroad have used cooperation and even the granting of press visas as bait in an attempt to exert influence on the direction of the BBC’s Chinese-language website reporting. The most prominent example is the complaint of Tibetan exiles that the BBC’s Chinese-language website altered the interview with the Tibetan spiritual leader-in-exile, the Dalai Lama, without authorization, so as to accommodate China’s news censorship.

BBC “Mends Its Ways”

Last year, the BBC interviewed the Dalai Lama and quoted him as saying that the Tibetan issue is a Chinese domestic problem, and used this as the headline of its web article.4 At the time, even China’s Global Times (环球时报), which is consistently fond of producing reporting that stirs nationalism, discovered from the BBC report that the Dalai Lama had not taken such a position and raised questions. The nationalist website, which claims to fight against Western anti-China propaganda, went as far as posting an article praising BBC for “mending its ways.” The editor of the BBC’s Chinese-language website himself explained that his website is cautious in its reporting, and that it had sent the sensitive program containing the interview with the Dalai Lama to the Chinese embassy for officials to look over and to seek their opinions, winning praise from the embassy.

Wielding the increasing strength of the national economy, Chinese government authorities not only monopolize domestic public opinion and restrict freedom of the press, but also use economic enticements to influence overseas news media in an attempt to challenge the universal values of democracy and freedom. In attempting to enter the China market, the overseas media, and, in particular, the Chinese-language overseas media—which internally are under economic pressure to produce performance results and externally have to deal with Internet blocking and news control by the Chinese government—are quite likely to yield on the news reporting principles by which they have always abided, in exchange for the Chinese authorities’ lifting Internet blocking.


1. In August 2010, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation sold a controlling stake in Star Greater China (星空卫视) to China Media Capital, a private equity fund backed by the Chinese government. See Nick Clark, “Murdoch Cedes Control of Chinese TV Channels,” The Independent, August 10, 2010, ^

2. Wen Jing [文婧], “Zhong Weiguang: Zhang Danhong bei tingbo hehu yanlunziyou” [仲維光:張丹紅被停播合乎言論自由], Epoch Times [大紀元], September 14, 2008, ^

3. While BBC faces cuts, its average employees are facing large-scale layoffs, their pension funds are in the red by large margins, and their retirement and welfare benefits have been substantially reduced. Yet the BBC executives are continuing to devise every possible way to raise their own salaries and are using public money to set up huge additional pensions for themselves. The salary of the BBC’s director-general was ten times that of an average employee 20 years ago, and has now grown to 30-40 times that. The deputy director-general’s pension is famously the highest in the UK public sector. See Jenni Russell, “This is the BBC—ruled by greed at the top,” The Sunday Times, August 1, 2010. That such scandals should be taking place at BBC, which regularly reports on the corruption of Chinese officials, has not only destroyed the confidence of its staff in the BBC leadership but also further weakened public support for this publicly-funded news organization. ^

4. Shirong Chen, “Tibet ‘Chinese Issue’ Says Dalai,” British Broadcasting Corporation, August 10, 2009, The article quotes the Dalai Lama as saying, “The Chinese government considers our problem a domestic one. And we also.” ^

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

go to Europe instead of India

When God closes a door, he will open another window for you. The door to india looks like closing fast(license Raj), there is always an open road to Europe. An alternative plan/way out ready always helps. Cross channel ferry, sat-navigator, cross europe AA breakdown insurance, my dear old 4-wheeled toyota is more comfortable than my new 2-wheeled honda for long distance tour.

Sunday, 31 October 2010













Saturday, 30 October 2010




谁来扩大暂且不说,先来看一下要扩大的是谁的需求。按理说,当然是扩大中国人的需求吧?如果是扩大美国人的消费需求,是不是太过自作多情了?然而对于中国人来说,是不是每个人的需求都要扩大、都应当扩大、都能扩大、都允许扩大呢?似乎不是吧?国务院不是明确提出,要抑制不合理的购房需求吗?如果笼而统之地说扩需,对不合理的需求也去扩大,哪岂不是故意捣蛋吗?难道经济学家就是拿了国家的钱专门来和国家作对的不成? ...


第一, 需求是指人的需求,不同的人,需求是有区别的,男人和女人不同,老人和小孩不同。成年人不需要尿布,和尚不需要梳子,盲人不需要点灯。说得专业一点,就是人的需求因性别、年龄、生活环境等因素有所区别。

第二, 第二,人的需求是分层次的。一是基本需求,就是维持生存所必须的条件,例如空气、水、食物等。对于基本需求,是必须保障,而不是什么扩大不扩大的问题。如果对基本需求没有保障或者没有稳定的保障,那么社会成员就不可能去追求更高的消费,也不敢去消费。对于中低收入的人群,有钱也要留着以防万一,无论你怎么促销,他们也不为所动。二是合理需求。就是在基本需求的基础上,想要吃得更好一点,穿得更漂亮一点,生活标准更高一点。对于这类需求,应当根据条件适当加以满足。例如小孩要吃糖,适当给他吃一点是可以的,但是太多就有害了。有人喜欢吃红烧肉,这也是合理的需求,但也不能天天吃。三是不合理的需求。就是超出合理需要的需求,违背道德法律和公序良俗的需求。例如不合理的购房需求。对于这类需求,是抑制,限制,打击的问题,而不是如何扩大的问题。超越生理需要的消费,对个人的身体并无好处,例如有人醉死在酒桌上,更多的人受到各种疾病的困扰,而对社会则更加有害。

第三, 是人的需求有物质上和精神上两个方面。物质需求是满足生理上的需要,精神需求是满足心理上的需要。二者是密不可分的。一个健康的社会不能只满足人们的生理上的需求而忽视心理上的需求。如果利用生理上的基本需求来损害他人的心理健康,也是极其残忍的非人道行为。例如例用肉刑来刑讯逼供,利用就业谋生的压力,逼迫他人放弃信仰和人生追求,贡献肉体、灵魂和贞操。心理需求也有合理和不合理之分。适当满足人们合理的心理需求,可以形成良好的社会风气,极大地地调动人的积极性。如果压制打击合理的心理需求,而对不健康的心理需求不加以控制和打击,甚至反而放纵鼓励,形成笑贫不笑娼的社会风气,则会对社会必然产生巨大的破坏的作用。

第四, 消费分集团消费和个人消费。集团消费中有国家的国防建设和基础设施建设以及文化福利设施建设。例如国防,要不要造航母,要不要更新军队的装备,这要从战略上考虑,分析客观的需要和可能,而不能从拉动经济上考虑。当年饿着肚子也要搞两弹一星,就不是从经济上考虑的。国家的交通大动脉,能源基地,农田水利等等,也都要从战略的高度统筹规划,恐怕不能单纯从拉动经济上考虑吧?





















Friday, 29 October 2010


2010英国木兰奖结果揭晓, “木兰奖”(Mu-Lan Awards)创始人是英国华人工党主席梁辛尼(Sonny Leung)。


不过历史被“迪士尼”化(Disneyland history),倒符合英国中餐馆老板和英国华文媒体的水平和口味。

Thursday, 28 October 2010








中国的投资转变非常剧烈。在2008—2009年间,中国以每月170亿美元的速度购买美国政府债券。但是在2009年9月,中国改变了投资方向。在 2010年的头7个月,中国不仅不再买入美国政府债券,甚至还开始出售手中的债券。中国每个月净出售70亿美元的美国政府债券。美国现在神经紧绷也是完全可以理解的。


尽管不再为美国政府提供资金,但是中国仍旧是世界上最大的资本净输出国,自2006年以来,中国一直保持这个地位。在2007—2008年,中国平均每年输出4000亿美元的资本。当时,美国每年需要 8000亿美元的资本输入,来抵消几乎完全中断的私人储蓄,中国的大部分资本输出流到了美国。中国人的不愿消费,使得美国人能在许多年间依靠借来的资金建造新房,维持一个美国经济无力维系的消费水平。





作者Hans-Werner Sinn是慕尼黑大学经济学和公共财政学教授,也是德国Ifo经济研究所主席。 
原题:China's Fair-Weather American Friends












































  五角大楼的发言人还说,当伊拉克平民被伊拉克军警虐待折磨时,美国士兵的职责只是“观察和汇报”,这是国际通用做法,因此美军士兵隐瞒伊拉克平民遭受虐待的事实并无过错, 五角大楼不会做进一步调查。





SB之极!鱼乃一文痞小人,just another attention seeking whore。纳税人资助的媒体,竟沦为小文痞沽名钓誉的工具,可悲!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

gloating executioners and bloody managers

I just do not understand why the bbc bosses love to explain over and over how the spending cut is going to affect bbc and its staff, it kinda makes me want to puke , it looks like an executioner loves to explain the mechanism of a guillotine to the poor people on death roll. If one's head is going to be cut off, does he give a damn about how the guillotine works? If he could survive the mass culling, he would not give a damn either.

After that toff Tory chancellor revealed his spending cut plan, bbc big boss made his speech, then the medium level bosses, followed by lower level things... One would expect some off work time and rest after more than 8 hour hard working, but no, you have to endure all those meetings like the condemned have to facing their executioners before the execution.

Maybe there is not too much reason for them to be gloating.

Monday, 25 October 2010


中国日报网报道说,伊朗一名惯偷因抢劫糖果店 被当众执行剁手刑罚。我到觉得这条爱憎分明的法律没什么不好,美国和英国不妨搞个试点,看能不能推广。






前星期在火车上看到一则广告,大意是: “People from bad areas steal your mobile phone, People from good areas steal your pension”。



Apple is a cult, i-fans are faithful followers

apple and i-fans are becoming a cult. I would not be surprised if one day Apple start making expensive fashion clothes, bags and other accessories.

Last Friday (22 Oct.)I went to the Covent Garden Apple store, it is huge and expensive. I have to register an on-line account to reserve i-phone set i want to buy and then go upstairs get the i-phone sets and paid for them. You have to become a member to have the product, like a cult. It cost me almost 1200 GBP for 2 i-phone 4 of 32 G. Then I went to DHL in King's Cross to post them to a friend in Europe, which costed me 70 GBP inlcuding insurance of 800 GBP value.

The DHL office was operated by an Arab, they shared the shop with an currency exchange agent. I just thought the DHL operation was a bit casual comparing with post office, hence less trust worthy. I paid insurance for the DHL delivery, hoping my friend in Europe would get his i-phone sets on Monday. Today I phoned my friend, it was a relief to know the 2 i-phones sets have been delivered to him.

got my visa to Thailand last Friday morning. coming out of the embassy, i went to a nearby tg max to buy a ridiculous large pullover.



7号我在《中国不必 为没有诺贝尔奖遗憾》一文中结尾说:“据法新社报道,今年诺贝尔奖的提名中‘疆独’的头子热比娅和鼓吹中国应该‘做300年殖民地’的刘晓波榜上有名,而 且这两人今年获奖的呼声很高。如果他们两个人中有一个继达赖喇嘛之后为中国再添一个诺贝尔奖,难道是中国的光荣吗?”结果不出意料,第二天刘晓波果然获得 了诺贝尔奖。诺贝尔奖的别名就是“反共产主义”奖金,不给刘晓波这种人又给谁呢?(参见附一) 


80 年代,中国掀起了一阵以反毛反共,鼓吹“全盘西化”为中心的“思想解放”狂飙,谁喊几嗓子“社会主义不如资本主义”,马上一夜成名。李泽厚就成了这场“思 想解放”运动的旗手,大谈所谓“五四以来救亡压倒启蒙”,鼓吹走资本主义道路。刘晓波为了成名,猛烈批判李泽厚的自由主义“不彻底”:“中国人在物质上可 以承认自己落后,机器不如人家,衣服不如人家,但精神上不承认落后,道德世界第一!如梁漱溟、李泽厚、林语堂这些学者都持这种论调,李泽厚就要求以东方天 人合一补充西方的天人对立,以东方的群体性、人际关系补充西方人的空虚感……但这两种东西是根本不能互补的!是决然不同的两种文化体系,不能调和的。 ”(《解放月报》1988年第12期)从而一夜成名。  

刘晓波有两大基本理论。一为“支那劣种”论,即中国落后的根本原因是中国人种劣等。他说:“我觉得新时期文学丝毫没有什么值得骄傲的东西,相反却暗伏着重重危机,而摆脱这些危机,鉴于很多原因,有些不仅是民族性的东西,我甚至感到与人种不无关系的”(《深圳青年报》 1986年10月3日 ),“我承认对中国文化的研究,最后走投无路。如果你把问题归结为政治腐败,再及文化腐败,就会问:‘为什么孔子的思想能统治中国这么多年,至今阴魂不散?’我没法回答。我说过可能与人种有关”(《解放月报》1988年第12期)。二为“乌合之众”论,即广大人民群众是一帮乌合之众,天生就应该被一帮“天才”的精英统治。他说:“我蔑视人群,视社会为乌合之众,崇尚天才个人的创造力,终生的目标就是想看看究竟是一个有创造力的孤独天才强大,还是芸芸众生强大。”(《末日》七十七页)。在那个疯狂的年代里,刘晓波的这些理论受到了不少人追捧,其被誉为"黑马"、"狂人"、"大陆的柏杨"、"当代中国的尼采"……(附带说一句,近年来他的一个“粉丝”周亚辉又把其“300年殖民地”理论发展为“杀绝支那劣种” 理论,可谓青出于蓝。)  

1989年,随着改革中的问题日益暴露,国内部分群众要求纠正改革中的失误。刘晓波对群众运动是十分鄙视的,但是为了搞乱运动的方向,把矛头指向共产党和社会主义制度,又希望通过参加运动窃取运动的领导权,内心一度十分矛盾。他 说:“一个我是理智的、清醒的,只想旁观,不想卷入,因为我崇尚自由的天才的个人,而鄙视大规模的群众运动,认为在中国搞大规模的群众运动不会有积极的意 义。而另一个我是情绪化的,盲目的,急切介入运动的每个环节,想在运动中占有突出的位置,贪婪地注视着狂热的人群,认为如此空前的运动怎么能不留下刘晓波 的痕迹。” (《末日》六十九页)最终,他处于投机的目的参加了这场运动:“……不管别人如何议论,我都坚信,‘八九抗议运动’之机太值得投了,能够投上此机,确乎上帝有眼,赐福于我,即使被指责为政治投机者,也心地坦然,无怨无悔。”(《末日》七十四页)最终,刘晓波等一批反共反人民的投机分子成功窃取了运动的领导权,把群众纠正改革中失误的要求指向了共产党和社会主义制度,即“改革出现的问题都是改革不彻底造成的,只能靠进一步深化改革来解决”,使运动蜕变成了一场反共反人民的动乱,给国家和人民造成了很大损失。  

当 动乱平息以后,刘晓波作为罪魁祸首之一见势不妙,马上来了个180度的大转弯,以亲历者“现身说法”,猛烈抨击这次动乱,还出版了参加动乱的"忏悔录" ——《末日》。在书中,他有意混淆社会主义的群众运动和反共反人民的动乱,把动乱的责任统统推给了群众,并得出了一切群众运动都是不好的结论。结果刘晓波 这次却失算了,由于弯子转的太快,既没有得到拥护社会主义的群众信任,又失去了原来的支持者。不久,刘晓波又写了第二个“忏悔录”,对他的“忏悔”表示“ 忏悔”。如是反复数次。  


2008 年,资改官僚又吹起了一场“普世价值”的妖风,众所周知,苏联的资改官僚戈尔巴乔夫等就是通过这种妖风搞垮苏联的。刘晓波认为时机已到,联合一批极右分子 抛出了《蛋八宪章》,继续鼓吹“改革出现的问题都是改革不彻底造成的,只能靠进一步深化改革来解决”之类的垃圾,其本意是拍资改官僚的马屁,并扭转自己名 声每况愈下的局面。也正因为如此,刘晓波多次表示自己不会被捕。可是没有想到,刘晓波宣传《蛋八宪章》是为了效法“七七宪章”的言论反而触怒了资改官僚。 因为 “七七宪章”不仅导致了捷克斯洛伐克的解体,给捷克斯洛伐克人民带来了深重灾难,也没有让捷克的资改官僚捞到多少好处,只是让起草人哈韦尔当上了总统。这 样说来,资改官僚策划的“死路一条”岂不是还要让刘晓波当总统,那现有的资改官僚往哪里摆?结果,刘晓波拍马屁拍到了马腿上。  

刘 晓波被逮捕以后并不惊慌,仍然强调有人保他,最多两三年就会出来。的确,今天的中国人享有的权利是极不对等的。例如,赵东民同志在没有任何证据的情况下被 非法超期羁押一年多,也不容许家人探视;而分裂国家罪证确凿的热比娅却于2005年3月17日被释放赴美国“保外就医”,至今也没有提何时通知热比娅结束 保外就医,回国继续服刑。刘晓波显然和热比娅这个诺贝尔奖的另一热门属于同一类人。他以“贵族犯人”自居,也的确享受了贵族犯人的待遇,不仅在狱中的生活 并不亚于陈良宇,美国全国民主基金会每月还支付其人民币1.3万元的工资(参见附二),仍然属于高薪阶层。  

今年三 月,刘晓波被提名诺贝尔奖。对于这一提名,右派也出现了分歧。一种意见认为,刘晓波作为一个著名的软骨头、变色龙,有严重的历史问题,其“支那劣种”论和 “乌合之众”论等理论又十分恶心,没有资格得奖。另一种意见赞成刘晓波得奖,主要理论是刘晓波和资改官僚是一个鼻孔出气的,而资改官僚大多是软骨头、变色 龙,向刘晓波示好就是向资改官僚示好。一位刘晓波的“粉丝”为其辩护时说:“连戈尔巴乔夫都能得奖,刘晓波这点问题又算什么呢?”经过几个月的争论,除了 以受到过刘晓波打击迫害的人为代表的少数人,绝大多数右派支持刘晓波得奖,其理由是“中国民主化需要党内改革派支持”。例如,臭名昭著的极右组织“中国民 主党”主席张英表示:“八六学潮、八九民运失败的主因在民运自身,因为盲目激进、拒绝和党内改革派互动,八六学潮、八九民运导致胡耀邦、赵紫阳下台,客观 成为两次延误中国民主化进程重大行动,这个教训一定要汲取。”宣传“台湾优等民族将杀绝支那劣种以谢天下”的周亚辉说的更加直白:“在共产党内部,有大量 反共人士。这些共产党内的反共人士,大多数是1978年后,加入共产党的,他们加入共产党,并不是相信共产党的说教和马列教条,而是为了反共,或者为了事 业发展顺利。”“中国的自由民主运动,面对的是10亿愚民和几千万的共产党一党独裁派。”“推翻中共一党独裁,是一项巨大的工程。不仅要靠民间的反共力 量,而且,也要靠共产党内部的反共力量,要靠官方内部的反共力量。”刘晓波获奖以后,极右势力弹冠相庆。达赖等发给刘晓波的贺电中,几乎无一例外的大谈政 改,让人闹不清是谁获奖。 

加上诺贝尔奖,刘晓波坐了不到一年牢,收入超过千万人民币,正式跻身32万千万富翁的行 列,下一步或许仿效热比娅“保外就医”了吧。经过这次镀金,刘晓波或许就成了“民主领袖”,他的“支那劣种”论、“乌合之众”论、“300年殖民地”论大 概也要成为“民主斗士”们的指导思想了吧。  

Sunday, 24 October 2010


(图) 环球网
曾因公布阿富汗战争秘密文件让美国尴尬的维基解密网站又有了新动作,该网站在美国当地时间 22日公布了近4万份美军在伊拉克战争文件,披露了美军在6年伊拉克战争期间的机密文件。环球网23日接到总部位于伦敦的“新闻调查专局” (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism)所提供的对这40万份泄密文件所做的详尽调查与报道,揭示了自2003年美国开始进行伊拉克战争开始以来所发生的包括酷刑、虐囚和滥杀平民等等内幕,美军和美国政府更是被曝对此并未采取应有措施阻止。


此次被公布的美军机密文件显示,美军高层在知道伊拉克什叶派武装人员对逊尼派囚犯进行虐待的情况下,却并未采取任何行动。据“新闻调查专局”统计,此次被泄密的美军机密战争日志揭露了1365例耸人听闻的酷刑和虐待手段,例如,美军在2006年记录的一个囚犯遭受两个月酷刑的情景: “他被吊在天花板上,双手被反绑在背后;他的背部后腿上都有被钝器(水管)袭击的印迹,腿上还有电钻留下的洞眼”。另一则记录则显示出伊拉克当局在审讯时如何企图用酷刑剥掉犯人的手指甲。

















维基解秘揭伊战被隐瞒内幕 酷刑手段耸人听闻

曾因公布阿富汗战争秘密文件让美国尴尬的维基解密网站又有了新动作,该网站在美国当地时间 22日公布了近4万份美军在伊拉克战争文件,披露了美军在6年伊拉克战争期间的机密文件。环球网23日接到总部位于伦敦的“新闻调查专局” (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism)所提供的对这40万份泄密文件所做的详尽调查与报道,揭示了自2003年美国开始进行伊拉克战争开始以来所发生的包括酷刑、虐囚和滥杀平民等等内幕,美军和美国政府更是被曝对此并未采取应有措施阻止。


此次被公布的美军机密文件显示,美军高层在知道伊拉克什叶派武装人员对逊尼派囚犯进行虐待的情况下,却并未采取任何行动。据“新闻调查专局”统计,此次被泄密的美军机密战争日志揭露了1365例耸人听闻的酷刑和虐待手段,例如,美军在2006年记录的一个囚犯遭受两个月酷刑的情景: “他被吊在天花板上,双手被反绑在背后;他的背部后腿上都有被钝器(水管)袭击的印迹,腿上还有电钻留下的洞眼”。另一则记录则显示出伊拉克当局在审讯时如何企图用酷刑剥掉犯人的手指甲。

这些时间都曾在美军内部被上报,但这些信息汇报之后却大都没有什么作用,相关资料显示,美军对其批示 “该事件无须进一步调查。”









Friday, 22 October 2010

i-pad, i-phone, i-pod, i-robot... they are becoming everyting

apple and i-fans are becoming a cult. I would not be surprised if one day Apple start making expensive fashion clothes, bags and other accessories.

I went to the Covent Garden Apple store, it is huge and expensive. I have to register an on-line account to reserve i-phone set i want to buy and then go upstairs get the i-phone sets and paid for them. You have to become a member to have the product, like a cult. It cost me almost 1200 GBP for 2 i-phone 4 of 32 G. Then I went to DHL in King's Cross to post them to a friend in Europe, which costed me 70 GBP inlcuding insurance of 800 GBP value. The DHL office as operated by an Arab, they shared the shop with an currency exchange agent. I just think the DHL operation is a bit casual comparing with post office, hence less trust worthy. Hopefully my friend will get his i-phone sets on Monday.

got my visa to Thailand this morning. coming out of the embassy, i went to a nearby tg max to buy a ridiculous large pullover.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

A NWO History of Mongolia

Situated between Russia and China, Mongolia is the least densely populated country in world, with three million people living in a country the size of Western Europe.

Over thousands of years, the Mongol people have perfected a nomadic lifestyle to thrive in Siberian winters, acrid deserts and barren steppes. Despite recent urbanization, half the population continues to live a nomadic lifestyle.

The warring tribes of the region were once merged under the leadership of Genghis Khan and used their innovative military tactics to create the great Mongol empire.

Yet despite their famed indigenous culture, the United Nations classifies Mongolia as a developing country. By 'development', the UN means the integration of Mongolia into a world government.


The start of Mongolia's 'development' was a Soviet invasion in 1921, which radically altered Mongol culture and laid the foundations for a modern international state.

After an initial settling in period, the Soviets went about destroying Mongol identity to bring in the new. Buddhism was top of their hit list. They murdered 30,000 monks and liquidized over 750 monasteries.

Their next target was nomadism. Stalin's forces worked to destroy any independence from government. They even went in search of Kazakh groups in the Western mountain regions who hunt prey with eagles, but couldn't track them down.

The plan was to replace nomadic lifestyle with collective agriculture, with all proceeds going to the state.

This was not easy, as Stephen Bodio writes, 'nomads have always valued freedom, and Mongolia has always been a society of nomads.
Soviet puppet leader Choibalsan's attempt at collective agriculture failed when rural residents killed their livestock rather than submit.'

The Soviets developed their capital city Ulaanbaatar and brought in the key elements of an international state: a central bank, large bureaucracies and a standardized education system.

The Soviet era was characterized by enormous infrastructure projects building power stations, bridges and highways.

In the 1960's though, Mongolia was still lacking in the facilities to house foreign dignitaries. There were only a few embassies (all Soviet satellites), and significantly, a British envoy. His name was Reginald Hibbert whose job was to chronicle how the people were reacting to Communism

Reginald's observations are found in the book, 'Letters From Mongolia' in which he bemoans the harsh conditions and the inefficiency of the country. He writes the locals are 'accustomed to rhythms of life and work that have nothing in common with those of urban communities, and their way of life is primitive.'

In a passage on Mongol kin values, he elucidates: 'they retain many of the virtues of simple people, especially loyalty and mutual help among family and friends. They will work extraordinarily hard on the impulse of helping a friend or acquaintance but seem to be completely without conscience when it is working for a living or for the general good.'

In other words, working for friends and family is primitive, while working for an impersonal Soviet state is civilized.


With the fall of the Soviet Union, Mongolia became a democracy in 1992 but was still crippled by $11 billion of Soviet debt.

Where poverty reigns, the IMF sweeps in like vultures, handing out further loans with strings attached that benefit the global power elite. In 1992, 80% of state enterprises were privatized sinking a population made dependent on government into poverty.

To fill the void left by the removal of Soviet subsidies, loan sharks prowl the frozen wastelands luring nomads into debt.

Even 'charities' like New Zealand's VisionFund offers loans to nomadic people with interest of 2.5%-3.5% a month! VisionFund work to emasculate the men: 85% of loans are given to women.

Through the creation of debt on both a state and personal level, the Mongols are enslaved to alien forces by a paper currency emblazoned with their hero Genghis Khan.

With a central bank, bureaucracies and infrastructure developed by Communism, foreign corporations can now enter Mongolia and mine its vast resources of copper, gold, coal and uranium.

The country is expected to fuel China's growth. Perhaps this was the role planned for the country all along.


Democracy also brings in the Western culture industry which is designed to erode traditional family values. The intention is to create an atomized populace obsessed with consumerism and entertainment, obediently serving their economic masters.

MTV is very popular in Mongolia and the youth mimic what they see. Take Lumino, a Mongol hip-hop group. Their early songs were light-hearted and innocent, but now inside their videos are sleazy and dominated by gyrating girls dressed like whores.

International governmental agencies also work towards breaking the traditional family. Take a UNESCO scheme called, 'The Gobi's Women's Project,' an educational project designed to emasculate men.

The program 'empowers women' by teaching them, 'livestock rearing techniques; family care (family planning, health, nutrition and hygiene); income generation using locally available raw materials and basic business skills, for a new market economy.'

Haven't these people survived for thousands of years without the United Nations?

The project also aims to direct the social agenda of women by giving a radio to every female. 'Programs are broadcast at times convenient to the women, mostly at evening time. They cover topics of general interest, whilst others are more specific and directly related to the needs of the Gobi women.'

The programs are laced with feminist lesbian propaganda. Safe to say there is no Gobi's men project.

Funded by the taxpayers of the world, UNESCO is global socialism. It creates a scenario where the tax dollars of a Wal-Mart worker in Cincinnati are used to emasculate nomadic herdsmen in Mongolia!

The fall-out of poverty and the take down of traditional Mongol society is reactive. In 2008, rioting followed the general election with cries of a fix. The Mongol parliament was set on fire; five people died and 700 were put in prison.

Grass roots fascism is rising. Tsagaan Khass (White Swastika) is a Mongolian Neo-Nazi group. They portray themselves as patriots standing up for ordinary citizens in the face of foreign invasion and rampant inequality. They respect Hitler for 'preserving racial identity'.

Their empty posturing masks the horror that the roots of traditional Mongol culture have been killed. They wish to destroy the system but if they do what will be left? A void.


The story of Mongolia's 'development' shows Communism, democracy and NGO's working towards the same end: a regional plantation under the flag of the United Nations.

In a 2009 trip to Mongolia, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon praised the country for being a role model for developing countries, and 'making progress in the fight against poverty.'

And yet, if you visit the bright lights and technological advancement of Ulaanbaatar you will see thousands of gers, the traditional Mongol nomadic house, scattered about the outskirts of the city. Their inhabitants are starving.

In a land with a tradition of self-sufficiency, a third of people now live below the poverty line. Such is the fallout of 'development.'

by David Richards
20 Oct. 2010



《中 国时代》98年五月号刊登了孟玄先生“不是开玩笑”的高论,主张中国恢复帝制,再行“三从四德”。当年在普林斯顿的“文化中国”讨论会上,孟先生也曾提出 此论,并立刻招来与会妇女的抗议。此议恐怕难以争得半边天妇女的选票。君不见当今台湾妇女已经敢走上街头示威游行,高喊“要性高潮,不要性骚扰!”还有竞 选议员的女性袒露自己的乳房,高呼“要奶头,不要拳头!”以抗议立法会里那些男性议员大打出手的肢体语言。更有大学教授提倡妇女性主动∶“脱衣半小时,前 戏半小时,干不干由你。”。再加上妇女经济自主地位的实现和提高,恐难再把她们圈回“三从四德”的观念牢笼里去。.



社 会主义在中国的实验看来是失败了。但资本主义在中国也难以行得通。中国认真放开来自由竞争的时间只有从袁世凯之死到北伐成功这之间大约十年。后来的蒋毛邓 都是没有帝号的帝制,看来还是帝制更适合中国国情。当然笔者所说的帝制是指君主立宪,而非随便可以砍别人脑袋的那种帝制。瑞典、挪威、荷兰、英国、卢森 堡、丹麦、比利时、摩那哥、西班牙、日本都是君主制。这些旧文明国家和平走入民主都保存了皇室。法国没有保存君主制,却打了上百年连绵不断的内外战争。人 民流离失所,战士暴尸疆场,惨不忍睹。后来在宫廷里以说法语为时髦的俄罗斯也仿效法国杀了沙皇,搞十月革命。俄国人在苏联时期过的什么日子不再赘述。这里 特别值得一提的两个君主国家是瑞典和西班牙。.

当 年瑞典国王在战争中被拿破仑手下名将贝尔那多特俘获。两人在关押中互相认识。等到瑞典王位出现继承人空缺的时候,这位国王提议并说动贝尔那多特将军来继承 瑞典王位。现任瑞典国王古斯塔夫就是法国名将贝尔那多特的后代。在翻越阿尔卑斯山长途奔袭意大利俄军的战争中,是贝尔那多特率军侧应了自认比阿尔卑斯山还 高的拿破仑才取得了标炳史册的辉煌战绩。后来又是贝尔那多特率领的联军首次击败了拿破仑。.




洪 宪皇帝袁世凯的后代怕是没有资格了。当年《讨袁檄文》的第一句–“天祸中华,元首谋逆”,护国军明言∶“袁世凯以下三世褫夺公权”。连公权都没有,还怎么 当皇帝?宣统皇帝当过日本卵翼下的满州国康德皇帝,和中国作过战。即使这些都排除的话,溥仪先生没有孩子,也就无人能继承皇位。最近刚刚去世的八千岁溥杰 先生也只有女儿,还都入了日本籍,连中国话都不会说了。再加上中日之战的仇恨未消,请来一个虽然有一半满族遗传基因,却分明是一个日本人来当中国的女皇, 想来也不合适。.

成 吉思汗的直系后代还能找到。但当年蒙古人曾嫌汉人太多,占有太多的土地耕种而无法放牧;于是他们就对中原一带的汉人实行了一项大规模的集体屠杀政策,每年 都要把成千上万的汉人驱赶到江河里活活淹死;后来还多亏藏族宗教领袖八思巴以“元帝师”的身分要求忽必烈汗废止用汉人填满江河的野蛮做法,才算止住了这一 民族灭绝的大屠杀。而且现在蒙古人有他们自己的国家,成吉思汗的直系后代又何必要当中国的皇帝?.



大 陆毛家世子死于朝鲜战争,次子有精神病,唯有一孙还不知是否能成气候。且其祖父发动土改、镇反、反右、大跃进、文化大革命一系列政治运动,弄得国无宁日, 方死方休;害得黎民百姓遭了大殃,死人无算;真个是“庆父不死,鲁难未已”。后人不清算他就是好的,他的子孙还凭着什么资格坐龙廷?









当 然这其中还有许多问题。比如,虽然中国人不恨藏人,但由于中共的恶意宣传,对藏人的歧视是普遍和明显的。不过既然这是宣传造成的结果,也可以再宣传回来∶ 如果说西藏是中国领土的话,那么藏人就是中国人。达赖喇嘛是藏人,所以也是中国人。那么由他出任中国皇帝也就是中国人坐龙廷。.


Tuesday, 19 October 2010


BBC中文网 蒙克


但 阿嘉活佛说,在中国世俗和物质的成功的背后,他付出巨大的感情和精神的代价。中共当局对西藏和宗教事务的高压和控制,令身居高位的阿嘉活佛常常重新感受到 极左时期被强迫劳动改造时候经历过的同样的屈辱感。阿嘉活佛今年在美国出版了自己的自述,取名为“顺水逆风”(Surviving the Dragon)。



阿 嘉活佛在接受BBC中文网采访前,在英国皇家国际问题研究所用英文演讲并同专家自如地交流。我很难相信,一个接近50岁开始学英文的人能够在10年多时间 内竟能够如此熟练地用英文表达和交流。长期在海外流亡的中国人我见过不少,流亡时间比阿嘉活佛更长的也不少,但英文能讲得像他一样流利的人却并不多。











罗 干看过又把象牙签转交给时任西藏自治区主席的江村罗布(Gyaltsen Norbu),认定嘉黎县坚赞诺布(Gyaltsen Norbu)中签,为第十世班禅的转世灵童。此事后来成了在藏人中流传的一个笑话:坚赞诺布(Gyaltsen Norbu)选中了坚赞诺布。





叶小文说: 达赖喇嘛已宣布他选定的(11世班禅转世灵童)候选人,政府就立即采取行动,派出3架通常只给政治局成员乘坐的专机,去藏区转世灵童3个最后候选人的家乡把转世灵童及其家人接到秘密地点隐藏起来。

我们在选定灵童过程中力求做到万无一失,(我们)在一个装写有候 选人姓名的象牙签的锦套中塞了棉花,让这个候选人的签高出一截,因此才顺利的选中了合适的候选人。



阿 嘉活佛今年3月初版了英文自述Surviving the Dragon(中文版书名拟定为《顺水逆风》),他在自述中也引述了叶小文当时在飞机上讲的原话:“我们在选定灵童过程中力求做到万无一失,(我们)在一 个装写有候 选人姓名的象牙签的锦套中塞了棉花,让这个候选人的签高出一截,因此才顺利的选中了合适的候选人。”

《人 民日报》驻西藏记者刘伟1995年11月29日也亲临金瓶掣签现场进行了报道。刘伟事后发表的报道说,金瓶掣签举行前最后验看名签的是叶小文,“他验完签 后,拿起托盘中细长的黄缎封套,将名签套上。可能黄缎套过于细瘦,封装每只签,叶小文都用了很长时间”,“终于,叶小文镇定地将三支名签都装进了黄缎封 套,他抬起头来,神色明显轻松了许多。”

