Thursday, 16 December 2010

Tariq Ali :The Nobel War Prize

11 December 2010

Last year’s recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize escalated the war in Afghanistan a few weeks after receiving the prize. The award surprised even Obama. This year the Chinese government were foolish to make a martyr of the president of Chinese PEN and neo-con Liu Xiaobo. He should never have been arrested, but the Norwegian politicians who comprise the committee, led by Thorbjørn Jagland, a former Labour prime minister, wanted to teach China a lesson. And so they ignored their hero’s views. Or perhaps they didn’t, given that their own views are not dissimilar. The committee thought about giving Bush and Blair a joint peace prize for invading Iraq but a public outcry forced a retreat.
For the record, Liu Xiaobo has stated publicly that in his view:
(a) China’s tragedy is that it wasn’t colonised for at least 300 years by a Western power or Japan. This would apparently have civilised it for ever;
(b) The Korean and Vietnam wars fought by the US were wars against totalitarianism and enhanced Washington’s ‘moral credibility’;
(c) Bush was right to go to war in Iraq and Senator Kerry’s criticisms were ‘slander-mongering’;
(d) Afghanistan? No surprises here: Full support for Nato’s war.
He has a right to these opinions, but should they get a peace prize?
The Norwegian jurist Fredrik Heffermehl argues that the committee is in breach of the will and testament left behind by the inventor of dynamite whose bequests fund the prizes: ‘The Nobel committee has not received prize money for free use, but was entrusted with money to give to the pivotal element in creating peace, breaking the vicious circle of arms races and military power games. From this point of view the 2010 Nobel is again an illegitimate prize awarded by an illegitimate committee.’

more comments

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Mi...

Michael Moore on WikiLeaks: 'Leaks Don't Kill People, Secrets Do'

what an asshole, this ben brown

BBC Anchor Attacks Abused Disabled Protestor As “Revolutionary Cyber-Radical”

Your New Reality
Dec 14, 2010

You don’t need to know too much background to get the full horror of what this BBCNews host is doing to a young man with cerebral palsy, who is unable to operate his wheelchair independently, simply because he dared to turn up at a recent student protest in London:

The blood-chillingly unemphatic journalist actually asks a severely disabled man if he was hurling chunks of concrete at police, and asks him again even after Jody says he can’t operate his wheelchair without the help of his brother.

Note the way interference or the host manage to cut off Jody every time he starts making valid, vital points about the police brutality inflicted on him and hundreds of other students in the streets of London, some students beaten by police, and charged with horses, were as young as 12 years old.

Note also the way the BBCNews host tries to get Jody to admit on air to things that may prejudice his official complaint later on.

Scary stuff.

Jody is becoming a hero of the what’s called the UKUncut student movement, who are opposing massive cuts to education and public services to protect the wealth of England’s richest, and for good reason. He has a lot of powerful things to say.

But after that interview, and the powerful reaction from the thousands who found it through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and began complaining to the BBC, you probably won’t be seeing Jody back on BBCNews anytime soon.

They don’t like ‘student leaders’ or ‘revolutionaries’ to be quite so articulate, and in control of what they’re saying.

England under austerity is a powderkeg, and when the public sees police are prepared to assault even people in wheelchairs, well, everything changes.



January 31, 2004 16:01:49:



梁的“伦理本位”,说亲情关系为基础的社会秩序,就是费说的“礼治社会”;梁说“安分知足,摄生,寡欲”是中国物质文明不发达的原因,到费那里,就成了匮乏经济。梁说过“凭借农业翻身”,“从农业引发工业”的主张,到费那里就成了“乡土工业”。 梁涑溟比较中西文化说,中国人的意欲的方向是“向里用力”,一切“反求诸己”,因此不向自然界和社会争取,故科学和民主不发达;而西人的意欲是“外向用力”。这种中西对比的理论完全反映在费的中西文化观中,也被后来人反复抄袭。

上面是题外话,再看丰年这类文章,每段开头都是“有很多迹象表明”,“还有迹象表明”,“ 可以遇见”,“ 千年以来”和“ 必须指出”这类,后面接着就是自己的一些臆断。这么连续写下去(自己说是还要出系列文章),无疑对作者想象力是个挑战。该文中把历史上农耕民族同游牧民族的贸易战争,想象成单方面的掠夺战争。把蒙古独立虚构成精英阴谋,把平民因素排除在外。试问没有平民,如何能叫做民族主义呢。汉族可以有民族主义,蒙古人就不能有吗?




* * * * * * * * * * * *



两个特点:一是多学科的参与,演讲者分别来自社会学、人类学、民族学、汉学、经济 史、农业经济学和管理学等学科;二是各种形式的比较法的演练,如:

* 中文与英文的写作、
* 中国的“谋略”的概念与西方相关的概念
* 费孝通与毛泽东对中国社会的不同影 响
* 费孝通的“差序格局”概念与其更新版“礼尚往来”概念
* 中日农村家产的区别
* 费孝通与霍华德对移民流动和城市化研究的异同
* 城乡社区研究之比较
* 以及 江村的在不同时期收入和社会分层的纵向的比较


* 它呼唤了国际学术界从田野、方法到理论等方面重新审 视费孝通对人类知识的学术贡献;
* 它聚集了中国与其他国家和地区的学者,通过对费孝通的学术思想的研究来加深对中国社会的理解;
* 这次活动是把中 国社会科学研究的精神产品推介到人类的社会科学殿堂中来的一项积极的尝试。





Monday, 13 December 2010




英国学生抗议让我想起6-4 (48 reads) 时间: 2010-12-14 周二, 下午4:34
作者:铁木 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自



